This week’s fishing report from the docks of Deep Sea Headquarters, Port Aransas:

24 Hr Tuna Trips have been bringing in nice catches of Amber Jack and Blackfin Tuna.

3-6-16 24 Hr aboard the Gulf Eagle with Capt Kevin Haller had a nice catch of Amber Jacks Blackfin Tuna, Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks and Scamp Grouper.

3-6-16 24 Hr On the Pelican with Capt James Wheeler hauled in Blackfin Tuna, Amber Jacks, King Mackeral and Vermillion Snapper.

3-6-16 8 Hr on the Kingfisher with Capt Marvin Horner brought back Atlantic Sharpnose Sharks and a Flounder

3-5-16 12 Hr aboard the Kingfisher with Capt Marvin Horner had a nice catch of King Mackeral, Atlantic Sharpnose Shark, Vermillion Snapper and a 250 # Mako Shark caught by Javier Villanveva from San Antonio, Texas.

3-4-16 8 Hr aboard the Pelican with Capt James Wheeler caught King Mackeral Atlantic Sharpnose Shark, Lane Snapper and a Wahoo.

3-3-16 8 Hr on the Pelican with Capt James Wheeler Atlantic Sharpnose Shark, Vermillion Snapper Cubera Snapper and King Mackeral. Big King Mackeral caught by Dave Heefner from New Braunfels, Texas.

Bays Trips have had nice catches of Gafftops and Whiting.

Private Bay Guides have been bring in nice black and red drum.

Stay tuned next week to see what new catches there may be!

Report By Marsha Walker – DSH